Aaron de Zafra's blog

Posted by Aaron de Zafra

Randomly today I decided to take up another project and develop a website for the LLC that owns my aircraft. What a process it has been, and I find myself completely obsessed with trying new things, attempts to outdo myself, and determining what the heck to include with respect to content.

Drupal is Amazing

29 Oct 2011
Posted by Aaron de Zafra

After updating this site I have to say... Drupal is an amazing testament to the whole open source concept. A free content management system that allows users with moderate development knowledge like me establish sites that would otherwise have been impossible to create.

On behalf of the entire de Zafra family, thank you to any and all Drupal developers out there as you're PHP prowess has left us with a platform that just plain works.


Posted by Aaron de Zafra

This is a short one. It's been a while since I've posted to our blog but I thought I'd take a moment to just reflect how much life sucks when my wife is away. Today is the first time in about 2 years she's left on a trip without me and the kids. It's funny what we take for granted. It's also true what they say, absence does make the heart grow fonder. Hurry back sweets!

Happy New Year!

01 Jan 2010
Posted by Aaron de Zafra

Happy New Year to you!

Last night was the first New Year's eve in about 6 years where Christina and I were able to get out and pretend to be adults! While Grandma was watching the kids, we were attending a black-tie event with a Brazilian theme at the CYC. It was absolutely fantastic!

Merry Christimas!

26 Dec 2009
Posted by Aaron de Zafra

Merry Christmas everyone! It's not said much anymore, which is a shame. It's always "Happy Holidays". That's great, and I understand why, but in our household it's Christmas so, henceforth we therefore wish it to be merry. And there you are.
Family was here, gifts were given, and many, MANY things will be removed from the house to make way for the gifts that were given. Good lord, it's no wonder there are folks out there with clutter that piles up to their ceilings!

Posted by Aaron de Zafra

It has been one hell of a few months in the de Zafra household. Between the plumbing break under our house, car accidents, furnace breakdowns (in a house that was completely overhauled in 2003!!!) and a sea of work for both Christina and I, it's a wonder we've been able to pull of having it feel like Christmas at all! But decorate we did, and as I type this I'm looking at a fantastic tree.

Posted by Aaron de Zafra

I'm a man possessed. Already I find myself searching for ways to customize dezafra.com. What I really need is sleep. Tomorrow I'm flying so it's probably not a good thing for me to be dog tired. Perhaps I should just add in the calendaring or Picasa integration and call it a day.

Posted by Aaron de Zafra

Okay, to be honest with you I have no idea why we have a family website other than to allow me to geek out and learn the CMS that drives this damn thing. One thing is for certain however, I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience. And despite the fact that building websites has become a commodity and there's no real money in it, I guess it's nice to know that I could always fall back on this before cleaning slop out of grease pans. After all, there are still quite a few small businesses who could use a bit of help and have NO idea where to turn.